A Letter by F. Łagodziński to NN. [Probably the scribe of the Crown Treasury]

Łagodziński asks for information about the rate of the poll tax charged on the Kahal in Komarno. In addition, he tries to find out if this sum also includes the tax paid by the przykahalek in Szczerzec; if the tax was placed separately in the tariff, how big would be the sum of the tax charged on it.

Archive: The Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw
Fond: Archive of the Crown Treasury 84 (Archiwum Skarbu Koronnego 84)
Reference Number: AGAD, ASK 84 sygn. 27, s. 262
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 14.11.1735
Place of origin: Marywil, Warszawa
Geographical names: Komarno, Szczerzec, Warsaw (Warszawa)
Surnames: Łagodziński